

I am out of network, but depending on your insurance mental health coverage and deductible, you may be reimbursed for all or part of sessions. We offer a sliding scale as well.

For more information on any of my services or other questions you may have, please reach out to me at


Individual Therapy

I offer weekly individual therapy at the Private Practice I work at, Intrinpsych Woman, on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Sessions can be done once or twice per week, and in some cases once every other week. Generally speaking, therapy is done best in person, but I can offer virtual sessions when necessary/appropriate.

Group Therapy

I am currently offering two groups: one is an Eating Disorder Process Group which meets on Tuesday evenings from 7-8:30 pm. This group is for you if you are struggling with any type of ED and are working towards recovery. I am also offering a DBT for Bulimia and Binge Eating Group which meets on Thursday evenings from 7-8:30 pm and meet at Intrinpsych Woman on the Upper East Side.

Writing/Speaking Engagements

I have written various pieces for mental health blogs and related websites and also guested on podcasts. I always love to collaborate. If you are interested in having me write for you, speak or guest on your podcast, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly at